NEW Guide

Get our free guide now!

- Learn how to mindfully manage your energy

- Find a balance between caring for yourself and the people you love

- Develop the most important skill required to create generational wellness

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    “We are committed to improving the quality of life for this generation, last generation, and the next two generations of humankind.”

    Balance Period Team

    Indianapolis, IN

    What you get:

    • 3 Step Energy Management System
    • Awareness Log Exercise
    • Self-Care Checklist
    • Bonus Resources!

    What is it all about?

    A Harvard Business School study found that 80% of working Americans feel “time poor,” or feel as though they lack sufficient time to fulfill all their responsibilities. This often leads to life dissatisfaction, stress, anxiety, and overall ill health.

    Don't worry, there is a simple way you can unhook yourself from this toxic cycle and it starts with your energy. Our Energy Management System will show you how to mindfully manage your energy so you can experience more peace, happiness, and balance in both your personal and professional life.